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FTA Approved Exporter
Global leader in logistics and transport


FTA Approved Exporter

About FTA approved exporters
Simplified procedures for THE issuance of certificates of origin or for attached documents offered to exporters certified by the FTA
What is the registered exporter?
The Registered Exporter System refers to a system that provides the benefits of simplifying the procedure for issuing a certificate of origin or presenting attachments to exporters certified by the customs authorities as having the ability to prove the country of origin.
In the case of the certificate of origin issued by institutions, exporters should submit various supporting documents to customs or the Chamber of Commerce, but registered exporters are exempt from the procedures for submitting those documents.
And, in the case of the Korea-EU FTA, only registered exporters can obtain the certificate of origin for exports exceeding 6,000 euros.
Types of registered exporters
Registered exporters can be divided into 'registered exporters by company' and 'registered exporters by item' according to the scope of authentication; the former can receive benefits, regardless of the applicable FTA agreement (e.g., exporting country) and export items, while the latter can benefit only for certified agreements and items.
As 'registered exporters by company' has more benefits, it is a bit trickier to get certified.

So, would it be better to get certified for 'registered exporters by company'? Or would it be enough to get certified for 'registered exporters by item'?
If there are multiple exporting countries and export items, it is recommended to get certified for 'registered exporters by company' because there is a hassle of separately obtaining 'certification by item' depending on the exporting country and export item. And, even if there is only one exporting country or export item, if there is a plan to expand either of them in the future, it is better to get certified for 'registered exporters by company'.
And, if you get certified for 'registered exporters by company', you can enjoy the advantage of the automatic application of new agreements made in the future without any additional certification procedures.
However, if you are currently exporting only one item to one country, it can be enough for you to get certified for 'registered exporters by item'.
Comparison of getting certified for 'registered exporters by company' and 'registered exporters by item'
A simple comparison of getting certified for 'registered exporters by company' and 'registered exporters by item' is as follows.
The biggest difference between the two certifications is the scope of benefits.
The two certifications have the difference that 'a certification for registered exporters by company' can benefit from all agreements and all items, but 'a certification for registered exporters by item' can benefit from certified agreements and items (HS 6 unit) only.
업체별 인증'과 '품목별 인증
Classification Registered exporters by company Registered exporters by item
Requirements for approval • Having the country of origin management system or the proof capability for the country of origin;
• Whether the written certificate of origin is kept and managed;
• Whether a system for designating a person in charge of the country of origin management is in operation;
• There has been no refusal to investigate the country of origin for the past two years;
• There has been no violation of the document storage obligation for the past two years;
• There has been no fact that the certificate of origin is illegally issued for the past two years;
• Whether the criteria for determining the country of origin of the product (HS 6 unit) are met;
• Whether the written certificate of origin is kept and managed, or
• Whether a system for designating a person in charge of the country of origin management is in operation
Range of benefits All agreements and items Only certified agreements and items (HS 6 unit)
Expiry date 5 years 5 years
Benefits for approval Simplified procedures for the issuance of C/O for all export items of a registered exporter with one-time certification (applicable to all agreements) Simplified procedures for the issuance of C/O only for certified items through a certification for each item (only applicable to certified agreements)
Precautions for 'FTA approved exporters'
In the case of the certificate of origin issued by institutions, registered exporters are exempt from the procedures for submitting the relevant supporting documents. However, it means that those documents do not need to be submitted to customs or the Chamber of Commerce, but it does not mean that the documents themselves are not required.
It is important to keep in mind that registered exporters mean certified exporters who can independently determine the country of origin under their responsibility, and that it does not mean that it is not necessary to determine the country of origin.
In other words, registered exporters should determine the country of origin on their own and then issue a certificate of origin only to export items that meet a criterion for the country of origin.
If the verification of the country of origin is requested in the future, the supporting documents must be submitted, but if not, the previously issued certificate of origin will become invalid, so the corresponding importers must return all benefits for customs duties, etc. to the relevant authorities.